January 2018

January has gone really quickly, but I’ve made a decent amount of progress. According to VeloViewer, I managed 217km in the month of January, which is the most I’ve managed since 2014! So it’s a good start for reaching my target of 2,000km in 2018.

Long ride(ish)

I also managed a 50km ride this week:

It was only just over 50km, and that’s because it was so windy – over half my ride was cycling into a headwind and it really took it out of me! I also did a bit of climbing (much more than I have done recently, anyway) which took it out of me. My legs have been aching as a result this week. That wasn’t helped by Wednesday being “leg day” at circuit training! My calf muscles have been a bit tight since (I blame the skipping) but hopefully if I continue stretching they should get stronger and mean I can start running again. I’m not a fan of running but it’s much easier to go for a run than a bike ride, so it should lead to me losing some weight. Then I can buy more cycling clothing!

Not long to go now until the RideLondon ballot results are known. Fingers crossed that I get a place, but even if I don’t I’m still going to aim to ride 100 miles at some point during the year. This might be as part of a sportive or on my own, I’ll have to look and see what is available.

Apart from the tight calf muscles things seem reasonably good from a cycling perspective, and as cycling is part of what keeps me sane this can only be a good thing! I’m hoping February will see me ride a similar distance to January and perhaps I can start work on improving my Eddington number…

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