I’ve managed a few long rides since my last post. I’m not feeling especially fit or confident but hopefully this will improve. My longest ride was 102km – it’s fair to say I was tired afterwards, and feeling a bit sore down below!
I was feeling relatively good up to 80km and thought I could go on further, but I think that was my downfall. I started increasing the speed a little and for the last 15km or so I felt terrible. I still don’t seem to have managed pacing myself properly – even when I did RideLondon 2013 I had a dodgy period where I had no energy. I’ll have to try pacing myself better and staying properly hydrated. I’m also working on my nutrition, I’ve found my stomach much prefers SiS gels to High5. I might get some of their energy bars and see if that helps in the early stages of long rides.
I did another long ride yesterday of 83km, but the difference was that it was much hotter. I don’t know if this took anything out of me but I also struggled near the end of the ride.
I almost crashed into a car on the seafront because I wasn’t paying attention – traffic was moving so slowly and I almost rear-ended someone, much to the amusement of a couple of blokes sat in a car by the side. We had a quick amusing chat which helped distract me from the aching! It was a lovely sunny day (hence all the traffic).

Proper training
Thanks to the BHF (who I am raising money for) I have a free training plan from Full Potential Coaching to follow. I must admit that it looks rather daunting and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do as many sessions as they specify, but I’ll try my best. At the very least I’m going to try and follow their one long ride a week session which gradually gets longer before the day of the ride.