Getting Back On It

The summer holidays are always a difficult time to get out on the bike as more often than not I’m having to juggle work and the children being at home. However, in a renewed effort to lose some weight I’ve tried to get out at least twice a week in the last few weeks. This has been hit and miss but I’m definitely cycling more than I did last year.

The recent hot spells actually made cycling more attractive, because the breeze from being out on a ride was preferable to being stuck inside a warm flat. It also makes the cold showers much more comfortable – although I’ve also started doing the Wim Hof method so maybe it shouldn’t be comfortable!

A photo taken of my bike whilst cycling.
No hands!

I’ve lost the bulk of the fitness I’d built up since RideLondon but I’m completely rusty. I’d like this to be the winter where I get properly cycling fit but I have so many other demands on my time that it doesn’t feel like a priority. I’ll still go out though, I need to get the Carerra serviced properly.

I’m also hoping to start running again now that the kids are back at school, there’s just the risk of injuring myself and then not being able to cycle or do capoeira. We’ll see how it goes.

Dietary changes

The major recent change has been to my diet. I started off having meal replacement shakes from Juice Plus+ for a couple of weeks, after that I switched to intermittent fasting where I try to only eat in an eight hour window each day. On top of this I’ve tried to change what I eat. I’ve been eating a lot more fruit instead of eating biscuits or crisps or chocolate.

I am also trying to cut down on meat. A couple of friends have gone plant based recently and whilst I’m still some distance from taking that step it does feel like that’s the path I am on. I’ve switched from dairy milk to soy milk for my tea, I’ve been having it for a few months now and can’t tell the difference. I’ve been sticking to Meat Free Monday since Glastonbury with just the one week off when I was on holiday. I actually had four vegetarian days last week, and have been deliberately choosing vegetarian options when I eat out. So far it has been going well. I’ve lost 11lb since going on holiday at the start of August.

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